Sad as it sounds, my love for The Temptations is (at least partially) based upon a £1 DVD from the shop formerly known as Woolworths. Bought by my Mother, I pla...
In recent years, one of the better makers of romantic, seductive soul has been Phil Perry. In the ‘70s, the Illinois-born singer was part of the group The Montc...
This article was originally published at on 17th November 2014.
Last Friday evening myself and Ricky had the immense pleasure of welcoming DJ l...
It’s either a testament to the quality of the album, or to Universal’s drive to squeeze as much out of it as possible, that Gregory Porter’s Grammy-winning LP L...
With the recent successes of Mark Ronson, Pharrell, and, sadly, Robin Thicke, much has been made about the return of soul music as pop music. Certainly, this is...
Brought up on a healthy diet of soul and funk, Haff's dream was to become the first British member of The Temptations. Realising that his dream could never come true, he now curates The Funk & Soul Revue with website administrator Will.